Det globale kontrollregimet mot ulovlige rusmidler har feilet – hva gjør vi med det?
London School of Economics IDEAS arrangerte en åpen debatt på Old Theatre 23. oktober 2012, «The Global Drug Wars».
Innlegg ved David Courtwright, Nigel Inkster, William McAllister og Ethan Nadelmann.
Since 1909 the international community has worked to eradicate the abuse of narcotics. A century on, the efforts are widely acknowledged to have failed, and worse, have spurred black market violence and human rights abuses.
How did this drug control system arise, why has it proven so durable in the face of failure, and is there hope for reform?
The IDEAS Special Report on Governing the Global Drug Wars
Professor Michael Cox chair, is the Founding Director of LSE IDEAS.
David Courtwright Ph.D., is a Distinguished Professor of History at the University of North Florida and author of the book, Forces of Habit: Drugs and the Making of the Modern World.
Nigel Inkster is the Director of Transnational Threats and Political Risk at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). He previously served as the Assistant Chief and Director for Operations and Intelligence for the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).
William McAllister Ph.D., is the Chief of the Special Projects Division in the Office of the Historian at the US State Department, and is an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. He is the author of the book Drug Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century, An International History.
Ethan Nadelmann Ph.D., is the Founder and Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance. He is the author of the book Cops Across Borders: The Internationalization of U.S. Criminal Law Enforcement.
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Ethan Nadelmann om menneskerettigheter og krigen mot narkotika

Fem nobelprisøkonomer tar til ordet for å få en slutt på «krigen mot narkotika» i en ny rapport fra London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
LSE IDEAS rapporten vil bli presentert for Guatemalas innenriksminister, Mauricio López Bonilla, onsdag 7. mai, på et offentlig arrangement på LSE. Guatemalas president Otto Pérez Molina, vil da ta rapporten videre til internasjonale fora som FN og United Nations and Organization of American States (OAS) for å drive frem en reform av den globale narkotikapolitikken.
Rapporten skisserer virkningene av forbudet når det gjelder sikkerhet, narkotikaprisene, rettssikkerhet og folkehelse. Den kommer mens FNs generalforsamling forbereder seg på å innkalle til en spesialsesjon om narkotika i 2016 for å revidere narkotikakontrollsystemet.
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